Pomegranate contains powerful compounds that act against cancer and protect the heart

The list of benefits of consuming foods rich in antioxidants continues to grow. But scientists have evidence that one of these antioxidant-rich foods—the pomegranate—can reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease and reverse the buildup of plaque on artery walls. This is critical news not only for consumers, but also for scientists whose previous research results have suggested […]

Alarming NEW research links sugar-sweetened drinks to cancer mortality

You've probably heard that too much sugar is bad for your health. Sugar can be blamed for many health problems, from worsening anxiety and depression to reducing the function of your immune system. Sugar is also to blame for chronic health conditions such as obesity, type two diabetes and cardiovascular disease. As if that wasn't bad enough, new research shows […]

CELLULITIS - bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

It is a bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which causes redness, swelling, pain and tenderness. Part of the skin and subcutaneous tissue becomes infected in contact with bacteria that entered through a small, probably imperceptible, wound. The infection causes redness, pain and swelling, and most often attacks the legs. When it appears on the head, it represents a non-localized inflammation without [...]

CELLULITE - with a healthy life and anti-cellulite detox

What is cellulite? Cellulite is a subcutaneous fat tissue deposit with characteristic depressions and nodules ("orange peel"); a condition in which fats and toxins accumulate under the skin, causing a weakening of the connective tissue that connects the skin to the muscles and the creation of a characteristic puckering of the upper layer of the skin. This condition is particularly characteristic of some parts [...]

Snoring - how to save yourself

How does snoring occur? The tissue in the upper part of the respiratory tract, in the back of the throat, relaxes during sleep, and when a person breathes in, snoring occurs. It mainly occurs due to sleeping on the back. The mouth opens and the "song" begins:) The sound is created by the vibration of the soft palate, which is located in the last upper part of the oral cavity. Men snore more often (71%) […]

Ascorbic acid, do you know what it is?

History of Ascorbic Acid In the mid-1700s, Royal Navy surgeon James Lind conducted controlled dietary trials and found that citrus fruits could cure people with scurvy. However, it was not until the early 1900s that experimental scurvy was first produced in guinea pigs through dietary restriction and was shown to be prevented by feeding the animals fresh fruits and vegetables. In the early 1930s, vitamin C […]

Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) - Protective fruit for the heart

Crataegus sp., commonly known as hawthorn, is a large genus of thorny shrubs and trees belonging to the Rosaceae family, comprising approximately 280 species, native to temperate zones in Europe, East Asia and North America. Hawthorn has been used around the world for centuries as a food and as a folk medicine. Hawthorn is one of the recognized medicinal plants in [...]

What are cardiovascular diseases?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels (veins and arteries). They can be caused by a combination of behavioral, socioeconomic and environmental risk factors, including improper diet (daily consumption of meat, fish, eggs, dairy products that are a source of cholesterol), tobacco use, physical inactivity, harmful use of alcohol, air pollution, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, kidney disease [...]


Is it better to take vitamin D in tablets or to spend time in nature in the fresh air and sunbathe if necessary. What do you think? Below you can read in detail why natural vitamin D, which we get from being in the sun and fresh air, is important. Learn how to sunbathe properly. Did you know how […]

Breathing city air leads to cancer, heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of today

What is the body's greatest need? What do you think? This article was translated from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, which has been studying for 50 years how polluted air affects our environment and human health. The Institute publishes many studies on how air pollution affects health and the population groups that are most affected. Below you can read [...]

Vitamin D deficiency linked to air pollution in cities

Research shows that people living in big cities have a higher chance of vitamin D deficiency caused by air pollution. Over the years, science proves what we already intuitively know - spending time in nature is good for our health. However, research also shows that it is important where we are in nature. For example, a walk in the park located […]

CONSTIPATION - free natural tips on how to have a bowel movement every day

Dr. Schulze says that: "Almost every client who came to me had constipation (one or no stools every day). Many of them had no idea and thought that a couple of bowel movements a week was something abnormal but acceptable. Although they were not currently constipated, due to what they had eaten in the past or their lack of exercise, they were […]

Calcium - an important mineral for your nerves

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, the salts of which form a substance that affects the strength of bones and teeth. The body of an adult human contains 1 kg to 1.5 kg of calcium, most of which is found in the bones (99%) and only a small part (1%) in the blood and other parts of the body. In addition to its effect on the skeleton, calcium has […]

How to protect yourself from nuclear radiation?

How to recognize that you have been irradiated? – Dizziness, mental fatigue, eye fatigue, severe headache, cataracts and nausea. Where can we find harmful radiation? – X-ray imaging in medicine and dentistry, building materials containing radon or uranium. Radiation also comes from the explosion of an atomic bomb and a terrorist "dirty bomb". When radiation comes into contact with a human cell, the cell […]

KIDNEY STONE (nephrocalcinosis, lithemia)

How to recognize a kidney stone? At the beginning, the injury is present, a dull pain that extends from the upper back to the lower stomach, and is generally stronger with movement. There is bleeding and renal spasms (severe pain in the kidneys) when stones enter the urinary canals. These sharp pains can last for hours or days. It comes to […]

What about marijuana?

Marijuana (cannabis) is the most widespread illegal drug in America and England. Scientific research has revealed the following facts about this unusual plant: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) from marijuana enters the lungs, and reaches the brain via the bloodstream. In winter, the brain cannot break down THC at the same rate as nicotine, so a part of THC will remain in the body for […]


How to recognize? Creamy white spots on the tongue and mucous membrane of the mouth. If the spots are touched, bleeding may occur. How is it created? This is a fungal infection and most often occurs in people with weakened immunity. Natural helps Nutrition. Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes. During this infection, it is best to eat only raw [...]

Hugs and health

English saying: one apple a day and we don't need a doctor, can be changed to one hug a day and we don't need a doctor. Researchers from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University studied the effect of hugs as a kind of social support, which protects people from stress. In doing so, they discovered that more hugs and better social support [...]


How to recognize that you have candidiasis? – Fatigue, constipation, depression, bad breath, excessive desire to eat, chronic infections, gas, headaches, insomnia, problems with menstruation. In the case of a vaginal infection, there is severe itching, with the discharge of an odorless, white, cheesy liquid. How is it created? It is an infection caused by the harmless fungus Candida albicans, which is found in the intestines, as well as [...]


Institute of Detoxification of the Body


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