The skin, our largest organ, protects and covers all our vital organs. It represents a barrier and the first line of defense against pathogens that surround us and performs an important function of exchanging substances between us and the environment. One of the important roles of the skin is the elimination of toxins and impurities from the body through sweat. Sweat and the smell of sweat are an excellent indicator of the internal state of our organism.

There are two types of glands in the skin responsible for producing sweat; apocrine glands and eccrine glands. Apocrine glands are located under our armpits, in the crotch area and on the chest around the nipples. These glands produce protein-rich sweat and are mostly responsible for the smell of sweat because bacteria feed on the secreted protein. In order to break down sweat and excreted components, they turn them into acids that give sweat a specific unpleasant smell.

Eccrine glands, on the other hand, are found all over the body and produce sweat rich in minerals, especially salt. It is important to emphasize that sweat in itself is not the cause of unpleasant odors, it is actually neutral. The unpleasant smell of sweat actually originates from chemicals and toxins that the body tries to get rid of in this way, as well as bacteria and microbes that rapidly develop and multiply in the presence of sweat. The food we eat and the degree of pollution of our organism will play a big role in determining the smell we emit. In order for these bacteria and microbes to be expelled from the body, your skin must not be dry. Dry skin means that you are dehydrated and that you should start hydrating your body with still water. Read more about how important water is in our organism HERE AND HERE.

In terms of nutrition, alkaline foods rich in chlorophyll such as green leafy vegetables, dark green algae (Spirulina, Chlorella) and fruits and vegetables rich in water will dilute acidic and toxic substances in the body, stimulate the elimination of toxins, while fibers will bind these toxins to themselves and flush them out. from the body. Algae, on the other hand, in addition to being abundant in phytonutrients, chlorophyll and antioxidants, act as chelators, ridding the body of heavy metals. By choosing and eating the right foods, you can do a lot for yourself, so increase your intake of alkaline "greens" through freshly squeezed green juices (in autumn and winter) and SuperFood plus (more info HERE), smoothies and salads.

Furthermore, the introduction of daily exercise is another effective way in which you can increase sweating and contribute to cleansing the system. Whether it's active walking, running or crossfit, exercise accelerates metabolism, stimulates intestinal peristalsis, lymph and blood flow. All you have to do is set aside 30 minutes a day, work up a good sweat, and you've achieved the desired effect. My favorite form of exercise is jumping on a mini-trampoline. Trampoline is much more than exercise and fun, you exercise with it on a cellular level. Jumping on the trampoline increases the influence of gravity, which strengthens the muscular-skeletal system, while jumping opens the cells and expels cellular toxins into the bloodstream, strengthens the function of the lymphatic system and helps reduce excess body weight. The benefits of the trampoline were also recognized by NASA, declaring it the best exercise for health and vitality. Saunas (not Turkish ones), especially of the infrared type (IR saunas), are also a great complement. Remember this and treat yourself to a visit to saunas from time to time, your skin will thank you!

Stop using artificial and harmful cosmetics "loaded" with chemicals and toxins. It is already well known to everyone that cosmetics of this origin clog the pores of the skin, creating a protective layer that prevents the skin from breathing normally and eliminating waste products. The skin actively absorbs everything you put on it, so it is very important that everything you apply is natural and edible. When you caress your skin, you are not doing anything else but nourishing the body, or, otherwise, contaminating it with toxins that it does not recognize. An excellent substitute for harmful cosmetics is the consumption of clean non-carbonated water (more on that HERE), Smilja macerate (more on that HERE) and Detox drops (more on that HERE)

Antiperspirant deodorants, in turn, prevent the body's ability to sweat and excrete toxins, which leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Solve the problem of the unpleasant smell of sweat with a proper diet and daily, simple detoxification rituals, and not with artificial cosmetics that only cover the problem by pushing it even deeper into the body.

Dry brush your entire body before taking a hot (not too hot to burn)-cold shower to stimulate circulation and lymph flow (more on HERE)

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