Do you want to improve your mood, promote smooth skin, improve heart and immune system function, enjoy better sleep and increase energy levels? If you answered “yes,” you should take better care of your gut by avoiding metal nanoparticles found in your food supply.

Decades of research have shown us that a healthy gut microbiome (the community of bacteria that lives in your digestive tract) is associated with better overall health – and vice versa. When the "bad" bacteria in the gut overwhelm the "good" bacteria, we tend to see health problems ranging from obesity to depression. Unfortunately, it turns out that a hidden part of our diet can negatively affect the gut microbiome. Let's discuss this one new study recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Antioxidants.

NEW research suggests: Metal nanoparticles found in food may threaten a healthy gut environment in humans

The study, conducted by a group of researchers at Cornell University, sought to investigate how certain “food additive metal oxide nanoparticles” commonly found in the American diet may affect gut health and function. The metal nanoparticles studied were:
1.Titanium dioxide (TiO₂) E171
2.Silicon dioxide (SiO₂) E551 cereal-based dry food for infants and small children, more info HERE
3.Zinc oxide (ZnO) It is used for the production of plasters and depilatories, in pharmaceuticals in the form of powder it is the basis for the production of powders, creams, ointments and pastes..More info HERE
4.Iron oxide (Fe₂O₃) in the production of fillings, toppings and decorations for bakery and candy products, in the production of snacks, food supplements... More info HERE
The first two "are commonly used as food coloring or anti-caking agents," the study authors note, while the other two are "antimicrobial agents and colorants" and "may be used as micronutrient supplements" in less expensive brands.. By exposing animals (chicken embryos, in this case) to food-grade nanoparticles, and then later analyzing their tissues, the researchers came to several important conclusions: The presence of these four nanoparticles affected the function and structure of the chicken intestinefor example by changing the intestinal mucosa, which normally serves as a protective barrier for pathogens and chemicals, and by reducing the surface of the mucosa itself, which can lead to reduced absorption of nutrients.
Nanoparticles also negatively affected the amount of beneficial bacteria in the guts of the animals.
Obviously, there are important ethical issues regarding animal research. Additionally, animal studies are not perfectly translatable to humans, however compelling the data may be. Nevertheless, this study highlights the need for future research on these metal food additives in humans so that we can make better choices for ourselves and our loved ones at the grocery store.
What is a healthy gut? Here are four things you should keep in mind
Given what we know about the benefits of a healthy gut, maintaining some gut-friendly habits certainly pays off. Here are four things you can do every day to improve your gut bacteria and gut function:
1.Eat more fiber (plant foods in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products do not contain fiber). According to Johns Hopkins, most people eat only about half of the recommended 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. But fiber, especially from organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds (such as chia seeds), is essential for supporting the “good” gut bacteria that can help you thrive. Therefore, aim for fiber intake from food.
2. Add probiotic foods. Sauerkraut is known to support a healthy digestive system. In the meantime, avoid highly processed foods with added sugar, as this has been linked to increased inflammation and less "good" bacteria in the gut.
3.Stay well hydrated. Along with a diet high in fiber and whole foods, drinking enough clean water promotes bowel regularity and may even promote a beneficial diversity of your gut bacteria, according to a 2021 article published in The Journal of Nutrition. The best way to tell if you're drinking enough water is to look at your urine: it should be pale in color. Aim to drink 2 to 2.5L of pure still water throughout the day. You can read more information about this topic HERE.
4. Get enough sleep. Sleep helps manage stress and provides an essential opportunity for your body and gut to repair themselves. An average of 7-9 hours per night is the best for most adults! You can read more about this topic HERE.
5. Clean the intestines at least twice a year (spring and autumn). You can read more about bowel cleansing HERE.

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