Did you know that citric acid or citrate is obtained from mold?

What is mold? Molds are microscopic fungi that grow in the form of hyphae. A mold colony consists of connected, networked hyphae that form a mycelium. They have genetically identical cells. Mold mycelium secretes hydrolytic enzymes, which break down organic matter into simple sugars. Excreted substances prepare food for the fungus, which is then simply absorbed by the hyphae. Molds are in constant struggle with [...]

These fruits are dangerous: Minimal consumption seriously harms health, they are full of the most dangerous pesticides, and they are found in every store

Najnoviji podaci koje je od europskih vlada dobila organizacija PAN Europe (Pesticide Action Network) pokazuju da voće posjeduje najopasnije pesticide. Nalazi se na skoro svakoj tržnici, volimo ga jesti, a rezultati pokazuju da i minimalna konzumacija ovog voća šteti zdravlju. Na osnovu službenih podataka, izvještaj je pokazao da je veliki dio europskih krušaka (49 posto), […]

Cigarettes are radioactive!

When photographs of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko from his deathbed in a London hospital were published in November 2006, the world was shocked at the speed with which the poisoned agent was deteriorating. The discovery that he was killed with polonium 210 caused a complete panic - people entered the hospital room in special suits, the restaurant where he was allegedly poisoned was closed. [...]


Cracked skin We've all had red, dry hands with cracked skin, but do we know what's really happening to our skin? . Insufficient intake of pure liquid dries and irritates the skin. The skin of older people contains less natural oils. Then comes the problem. Water removes oils from the skin. A special type of water is particularly harmful because [...]

The skin is the shield of our organs

The skin, our largest organ, protects and covers all our vital organs. It represents a barrier and the first line of defense against pathogens that surround us and performs an important function of exchanging substances between us and the environment. One of the important roles of the skin is the elimination of toxins and impurities from the body through sweat. Sweat and the smell of sweat are an excellent indicator of the internal state [...]

Cornell study: Nanoparticles in food can harm the gut microbiome

Do you want to improve your mood, promote smooth skin, improve heart and immune system function, enjoy better sleep and increase energy levels? If you answered “yes,” you should take better care of your gut by avoiding metal nanoparticles found in your food supply. Decades of research show us that a healthy intestinal microbiome (a community of bacteria that [...]

The big olive oil scam

You buy olive oil because you want to eat healthier. But have you considered that extra virgin olive oil, for which you spend a lot of money, may contain questionable substances and chlorophyll, which gives the taste like olive oil, and that, in fact, you are using soy or other cheaper oils? Tom Mueller, author of Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of […]

Oatmeal TORTILLA.. Quick and easy, with only two ingredients.

Namocite salicu zobenih pahuljica u vodi jedan sat. Zatim izblendajte Smjesa mora biti kao za palacinke.Malo posolite. Peci na tavi dok ne pozlati sa obje strane. Mozete puniti sirovom povrcem. PRIJEDLOG: Izgnjecite avokado,dodajte mu mladi luk,crvenu papriku,naribanu mrkvu, rajcicu. Zacinite zacinima po zelji. U slast! Ako želite naučiti putem online tečaja kako pripremiti zdraviju hranu […]

Health benefits of thyme

Što je majčina dušica? Majčina dušica je biljka koja se često koristi za aromatiziranje hrane. Također se koristi od davnina za različite zdravstvene i medicinske dobrobiti te kao konzervans. Danas se koristi u raznim proizvodima, od tekućina za ispiranje usta do čajeva, pa čak i sprejeva za nos – kao i u kuhinji. S korijenima […]

Lack of vitamin C accelerates bone loss

Vitamin C is well known as a powerful antioxidant and a valuable weapon against cancer and other diseases. But this versatile vitamin can also prevent bone loss by preventing oxidative stress that destroys bone structure. Bone loss, known as osteoporosis, affects the elderly and can have devastating effects on mobility and quality of life. By supplementing with vitamin C [...]


An excellent recipe for sweet tooths: Ingredients 200 g of wholemeal, buckwheat, rye or spelt flour 250 ml of vegetable milk (optional) Bio baking powder A teaspoon of salt A teaspoon of agave syrup 3 tablespoons of melted coconut oil Grated zest of a lemon or orange. Procedure: Pour flour and baking powder into a bowl, add salt, agave syrup, lukewarm milk, 3 tablespoons of melted coconut oil and grated […]

Tarahumara Indians-Why are the Tarahumara Indians the fastest runners in the world?

U ovom tekstu ukratko ćemo opisati način života najbržih i najizdržljivijih ljudi na svijetu! Tarahumara i tradicija trčanja U planinama Sierra Madre u sjeverozapadnom Meksiku žive najbolji ultramaratonci svijeta. Pleme Tarahumara koje samo sebe naziva Raramuri (ljudi koji trče, odnosno ljudi laganih nogu) „prekrstili“ su osvajači koji nisu razumjeli njihov jezik. Njihova filozofija i način […]

Homemade frozen strawberry yogurt

Odličan recept za sladokusce: Na 100g smrznutih jagoda idu 3 zlice javorovog sirupa 1 žličica ekstrakta  od vanilije 100g veganskog jogurta Sve dobro izblendati. U slast 🙂 Ako želite naučiti putem online tečaja kako pripremiti zdraviju hranu javite nam se na mail institutzadetoksikaciju@gmail.com

NEW research reveals that certain birth control pills increase the risk of breast cancer by up to 30 percent

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly two-thirds of all American girls and women currently use birth control, with the second most common method of birth control being the birth control pill. Of course, preventing unwanted pregnancy is not the only reason women and girls are prescribed oral contraceptive pills. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) notes that birth control pills […]

Protect your brain health by increasing your intake of THIS nutrient in your diet

Dementia and other brain disorders are not just health problems – they have a profound impact on the lives of sufferers and their loved ones. In the US alone, more than six million people currently suffer from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, and that number is expected to rise to 14 million by 2060. But here's the good news: [...]

Bear onion spread

Za ovaj recept će Vam biti potrebno: 150 g medvjedjega luka(više informacija o medvjedem luku OVDJE) 20 g integralnoga sezama 20 g suncokreta 15 g badema 15 g oraha Sok od pola limuna 5 zlica maslinovog ulja Sol Ostali zacini po zelji.   U blenderu izblendajte sezam,suncokret,bademe   i  orahe. Zatim dodajte medvjedji luk,sok limuna,maslinovo ulje,sol […]

How to remove graphene oxide from the body

Some will argue that getting the mRNA vaccine to as many people as possible was the main profit-driven motive of the pharmaceutical industry during the pandemic – as well as the motive of the global political elites that the industry finances to the gills. But as we know by now, these shootings are not without risk and have injured and disabled innocent people. Do you remember the vaccine recall […]

Chlorine in swimming pools causes diseases, infections and cancer

It's important to keep in mind the potential dangers to our families, even as we try to improve our diet and lifestyle. For example, while swimming in a pool may seem harmless and even beneficial for exercise and socialization, research shows that the chlorine used to disinfect pools can create harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that […]

Vegan Raffaello

Ingredients: 300 ml plant-based milk (vanilla is best, but you can also use oat) 3 spoons of starch flour 5 spoons of agave syrup A bag of organic bourbon vanilla 70 g of coconut margarine 200 g of grated coconut (as for puffs) Preparation Mix 100 ml of milk with 3 spoons of syrup from agave, three tablespoons of starchy flour and bourbon with vanilla. The rest […]

A new study reveals the surprising benefits of THIS common fruit

With 80 million people in the United States currently obese, it's no surprise that obesity-related chronic diseases are also on the rise. Heart disease, one of the deadliest chronic diseases, is responsible for nearly 700,000 deaths in 2020 alone – and accounts for a staggering one in three deaths worldwide. There is some evidence […]


Institute of Detoxification of the Body


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