Tarahumara Indians-Why are the Tarahumara Indians the fastest runners in the world?

U ovom tekstu ukratko ćemo opisati način života najbržih i najizdržljivijih ljudi na svijetu! Tarahumara i tradicija trčanja U planinama Sierra Madre u sjeverozapadnom Meksiku žive najbolji ultramaratonci svijeta. Pleme Tarahumara koje samo sebe naziva Raramuri (ljudi koji trče, odnosno ljudi laganih nogu) „prekrstili“ su osvajači koji nisu razumjeli njihov jezik. Njihova filozofija i način […]

Does it cause or protect against cancer? What they don't tell you about sunlight exposure

Opće nam je poznato da je jaka sunčeva svjetlost štetna za ljudsko zdravlje i uzrokuje zabrinjavajuće probleme poput bora, sunčanih pjega i raka kože (s procjenama koje pokazuju da se svaki put dijagnosticira više od 5,4 milijuna slučajeva karcinoma bazalnih i skvamoznih stanica kože godine u Sjedinjenim Državama, zahvaćajući otprilike 3,3 milijuna ljudi). U skladu […]

NEW research reveals that certain birth control pills increase the risk of breast cancer by up to 30 percent

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly two-thirds of all American girls and women currently use birth control, with the second most common method of birth control being the birth control pill. Of course, preventing unwanted pregnancy is not the only reason women and girls are prescribed oral contraceptive pills. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) notes that birth control pills […]

Protect your brain health by increasing your intake of THIS nutrient in your diet

Dementia and other brain disorders are not just health problems – they have a profound impact on the lives of sufferers and their loved ones. In the US alone, more than six million people currently suffer from Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, and that number is expected to rise to 14 million by 2060. But here's the good news: [...]

Cortisol and adrenaline

  Whether you're dealing with a rabid Rottweiler or an angry client, your body's response to stress is the same: your hypothalamus sends a signal to secrete hormones that scare you into action. "Cortisol and adrenaline are your body's alarm," says Dr. Fonseka. They make your heart beat faster, the bronchi expand so that more oxygen […]

How to remove graphene oxide from the body

Some will argue that getting the mRNA vaccine to as many people as possible was the main profit-driven motive of the pharmaceutical industry during the pandemic – as well as the motive of the global political elites that the industry finances to the gills. But as we know by now, these shootings are not without risk and have injured and disabled innocent people. Do you remember the vaccine recall […]

Chlorine in swimming pools causes diseases, infections and cancer

It's important to keep in mind the potential dangers to our families, even as we try to improve our diet and lifestyle. For example, while swimming in a pool may seem harmless and even beneficial for exercise and socialization, research shows that the chlorine used to disinfect pools can create harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that […]

A new study reveals the surprising benefits of THIS common fruit

With 80 million people in the United States currently obese, it's no surprise that obesity-related chronic diseases are also on the rise. Heart disease, one of the deadliest chronic diseases, is responsible for nearly 700,000 deaths in 2020 alone – and accounts for a staggering one in three deaths worldwide. There is some evidence […]

A new study links gum disease to rheumatoid arthritis

Allow us to wax poetic for a moment: if the eyes are the window to the soul, then perhaps the mouth should be considered the window to your health—at least according to current medical research! Scientists and doctors now know that having clean teeth and gums is not just about improving your physical appearance. Taking good care of your oral health can actually […]

Facts and benefits of wild garlic

Wild garlic scientifically known as bear's garlic, wild garlic, broadleaf garlic, wild garlic, bear's leek, gypsy onion, pig's garlic and wild leek is a wild relative of chives. It is part of the large Amaryllidaceae family, represented by 59 genera and over 850 species worldwide. As a member of the Allium genus, wild garlic is closely related to plants such as [...]


Postojao je jedan monah kod kojega su po savjet dolazili ljudi iz najudaljenijih krajeva, a važio je za osobu koja je uvijek smirena i za čovjeka kojeg je nemoguće uvrijediti. Čuje to neki pokvarenjak te odluči testirati mudraca. Ode do njega i čim ga je ugledao počne ga vrijeđati i ponižavati najgore što je umio. […]

Traces of pork in everyday foods

  Oko 200 proizvoda za koje potrošači nikad ne bi posumnjali da sadrže sastojke životinjskog podrijetla puni su, ni manje ni više nego svinjetine. Čokolada, čips, keks, pivo, žvakaće gume, jogurt, pasta za zube, na ambalaži imaju oznaku E474, što je zapravo prerađena svinjska mast. Pitanje je da li bi vegetarijanci, muslimani i židovi jeli […]

The benefits of massage

Drevna indijska poslovica glasi da bolesti ne prilaze onom tko se masira svaki dan. Masaža je jedna od najpoznatiji metoda opuštanja i liječenja. Riječ masaža potiče od arapske riječi massa što znači dodir. Masaža obuhvaća niz različitih tehnika, ali bazira se na pritiskanju, lupkanju, istezanju i glađenju mišića i vezivnog tkiva različitim intenzitetom. Kratka povijest […]

Meat and milk are as harmful as smoking

Priredio Dragan Štavljanin Kada se analiziraju nastojanja za spriječavanje karcinoma, prvo što nam pada na pamet su etikete s upozorenjima na cigaretama koje se prodaju širom svijeta. To je djelomično doprinijelo smanjenju pušenja i, samim tim, zdravstvenih problema koje ono izaziva. Slična upozorenja bi trebalo iz istih razloga staviti na meso i mliječne proizvode, piše […]

By consuming meat until the brain is destroyed

The intention of this text is not to beautify, nor to increase or decrease the evil that is being produced in the world, but to bring out the truth that has been hidden and glossed over for years. Those who are afraid of the truth still have time to stop reading this disturbing text. But he who is not afraid of the truth, his eyes will be opened and [...]

Abstinence from food and fasting improve melatonin production

Utvrđeno je da ograničeni unos hrane kod eksperimentalnih životinja proizvodi mladenački ciklus melatonina i produžava životni vijek.  Postoji niz razloga za ove korisne efekte. Testovi na životinjama pokazuju da u stvari postoji očuvanje pinealne funkcije pri kronično spartanskoj ishrani. U jednom istraživanju, konstantno ograničavanje hrane je umanjilo pad melatonina i nivoa NAT enzima koji se […]


  “Jedini način da se izliječe je putem pročišćavanja crijeva.” dr. Richard Schulze “Debelo crijevo je ono što koči izlječenje. Ako ga ne pročistite, otpadni produkti neće moći izaći iz vašeg tijela. Ako nikada niste radili u klinici sa pacijentima koji umiru, onda ćete teže shvatiti koliko samo bolesti nastaje zbog lošeg funkcioniranja debelog crijeva. […]

What happens to your body if you eat kiwi every day?

Recent research suggests that kiwifruit may have a number of health benefits, one of which is key to recovery from (intense) exercise. According to a study published in the journal Nutrients, elite runners who ate two kiwis a day for a month reduced oxidative damage from intense physical training. Athletes who routinely train at high intensity usually take a large amount [...]


Institute of Detoxification of the Body


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