THIS fruit is one of the world's best sources of vitamin C

Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables is known as a powerful antioxidant and supports the immune system. Although found naturally in many foods, vitamin C is also an excellent dietary supplement – known to help people improve their health. In fact, one 2014 study cited by the National Institutes of Health found that giving […]


Memory loss and the inability to react (in old age) that interfere with the performance of tasks at home and at the workplace. It is also called dementia; it appears in old age, although it is not a very common phenomenon. Most elderly people do not have this problem, but are still clear-headed. There are two types of dementia: primary dementia, which occurs gradually without any visible [...]

High Cholesterol

High cholesterol cannot be noticed, because it does not reflect any symptoms. Symptoms can only be due to atherosclerosis and hypertension. Cholesterol is a fatty, wax-like substance found in all cells of the body. It serves to build cells, create hormones and help with food digestion. Your liver makes all the cholesterol you need. However, there is also [...]

A study of hospitalized people with myocarditis after receiving the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine

Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the muscular layer of the heart, the myocardium, which can clinically manifest itself in different syndromes. Symptoms may include fatigue, fever, night sweats, joint pain, or weight loss. Symptoms of acute mycarditis appear after a few hours and last for about seven days. For example, pain in the middle of the chest, which worsens when taking a deep breath, and […]

Discover 4 natural ways to fight gingivitis and dental plaque

While maintaining good oral health may not be the most glamorous activity, it is essential to overall health and well-being. Inadequate oral hygiene – ineffective brushing and flossing – can lead to the formation of sticky bacterial plaque and cause gingivitis, an early form of gum disease. Left untreated, gingivitis can progress to more serious periodontal disease – including […]

A simple way to improve memory and learning ability, based on a new study

If you can't stop losing your keys or can't remember special dates, a little sleep might help. A recent study delved deep into the human brain to discover how sleep can improve memory. The study was the first of its kind because it recorded electrical activity using electrode probes that were implanted in the brain. Although […]

Amazing facts about the healing ability of the brain

In 1968, Dr. John Rader Platt, an eminent neurologist, biophysicist and social psychologist, announced that our brain does not have, as was thought until then, 12-14 billion brain cells, but a hundred billion. There are about a thousand interconnections or synaptic junctions per cell, or about a thousand trillion interconnections in total. If we used thirty thousand new [...]

Balance your blood sugar naturally with berberine

We know that there are many foods, herbs and spices designed to help balance blood sugar and prevent diabetes. Yet to this day, Western medicine continues to ignore this reality and promotes the use of life-threatening conventional drug “therapies” that cause many health problems such as skin infections and kidney failure. Simply put, Western medicine really needs to catch up […]

Blood Sugar Help: Research Reveals MULTIPLE Benefits of Garlic for Diabetics

According to estimates by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 34 million people in the US alone live with diabetes, and another 88 million with prediabetes. Add those two numbers together and you end up with a “public health crisis”. It is no coincidence that the medical community often calls diabetes the "silent killer". It is interesting that for the development of the disease […]

Sleep WARNING on eating sugar and white bread, new study

According to the American Sleep Association, more than 30% Americans suffer from insomnia, and 10% of the population report chronic insomnia. For those over 60, those numbers go up to 40-60% of this age group who suffer from insomnia. Unfortunately, this common sleep disorder often results in unintentionally falling asleep during the day, which can be especially dangerous if you're driving. Although […]

Sugar consumption is linked to more deadly diseases and the destruction of the microbiome

Every day we are bombarded with a series of attractive, clever, well-edited advertisements for a seemingly endless supply of sugary sodas and energy drinks. Meanwhile, a host of scientific studies have confirmed that excessive sugar consumption is linked to deadly diseases – such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes – later in life. Now, brand new research reveals that high sugar […]

Hypoxia and hypoxemia

ARTICLE AUTHOR – Aleksandra Grundler Bencarić, mag. pharm. Back in elementary school, in religious education, we only learned that the creation of our planet was made possible by God only when sufficient amounts of oxygen were created. Plants create oxygen from carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, which is necessary for respiration. We inhale air and with it oxygen that comes to the lungs [...]

Miracle of water - free instructions for strengthening immunity

Water - an element of vital importance for life - is an indispensable factor in nature without which there is no life. Such a presence of water represents another proof in the series of generosity of allies and friends - nature. From ordinary mineral and thermal water, from crystalline water sources that fall on cold giant rocks, to the most modern hospital complexes, water flows, [...]

Dehydration to hallucinations

Dehydration is one of the most neglected health problems people face today. Dry mouth, inflamed eyes, and even irritability, etc. are classic signs of dehydration. "Dry mouth" is the last sign of dehydration. The body can suffer from dehydration even if the mouth is quite moist. What's worse, in older people, the mouth can be […]

British doctor Dr. Chris van Tulleken started eating 80% of processed food for 30 days

When Dr. Chris van Tulleken embarked on a 30-day diet of refined foods (processed foods) to find out what effect it has on our body, the results shocked him and the scientists! Most of the ready-made food we eat today is refined. As tasty as they are, they can even be dangerous from a health perspective. It was believed that such refined food […]

A new study reveals that too much blue light accelerates the aging process

Blue light from your smartphone screen, computer screen and TV is a direct threat to your health and well-being. Smartphones and computers are considered essential to modern life, but they also threaten visual acuity, social skills, health and vitality. In fact, a recent study by Dr. Jadwiga Giebultowicz of Oregon State University's Department of Integrative Biology details […]

How to naturally improve bone, skin and hair health

Horsetail - a tall, bushy plant that grows in fields - may not seem particularly valuable, attractive or therapeutic. Yet this common plant, known botanically as Equisetum arvense, has been prized by herbalists since the time of the Greek and Roman Empires – and for good reason. Did you know that horsetail leaves contain extremely high [...]

A new study links physical activity time with greater heart-protective benefits

We all know that exercise is essential for overall well-being and heart health. But does it matter what time of day you exercise? According to a new study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Data suggest that physical activity at certain times of the day is associated with greater heart protection. Exercising at this time of day could be [...]

A natural substance from fruits and vegetables blocks the growth of cancer stem cells, a study reveals

Researchers are increasingly discovering the role of cancer stem cells in the growth and spread of the disease. In groundbreaking research, vitamin C has demonstrated its ability to target cancer stem cells and stop their growth – preventing the tumor from recurring. Although official medicine has been slow to accept the cancer-fighting properties of vitamin C, the exciting results of this study could […]


Institute of Detoxification of the Body


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